TCAdmin v1 System Requirements

TCAdmin Master, Remote and Webserver Requirements

TCAdmin requires Windows 2000, XP*, 2003** or 2008***.

Web Server Requirements (Website can be hosted in the master server or separately)
- IIS 5.0 or greater (IIS 7 requires the role service "IIS 6 Management Compatibility")
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1

Master Server Requirements
- If you are using MySQL as your database server you will need MySQL ODBC Drivers 3.51 (Included within the install package)
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
- If you will be using a MySQL database the latest version supported by the MySQL .NET driver that TCAdmin uses is 5.5.8

Remote Server Requirements
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
- Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 (Can be installed from Windows Update or downloaded here)

* The Windows XP operating system has know limitations on it's IIS capacity of users. The total number of connections which WinXP can handle at one time for IIS is 10 by default but can be increased to 40. Due to this we DO NOT recommend using Windows XP as the operating system for your master server if you area planning on controlling more than 2 remote servers. To learn how to increase the 10 limit connection for IIS read this article:,6

** The Windows 2003 and XP (SP1 or later) operating systems introduced DEP (Data Execution Prevention). This feature of windows was designed to prevent unauthorized code execution. However, DEP is know to cause issue with some games as well as many MODS as well. We recommend turning DEP off, or configuring your server to only allow DEP to be active for windows programs only. To learn more about Microsoft DEP, please see the link below.

*** The IIS 7 role services "IIS 6 Management Compatibility" and "ASP.NET" are required for web server installations.
The "Interact with Desktop" option has no effect servers running Windows Vista and Windows 2008
unless you start the Windows service named "Interactive Services Detection". You will receive a message prompt asking if you want to see the game server's console. On these operating systems it is recommended that you only use interact with desktop for troubleshooting.

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