Improving FTP Performance

Follow these steps to see if it improves performance:

- Make sure you have installed .NET 1.1 service pack and not just .NET 1.1.
If you have not installed the service pack the .NET version will say 1.1.4322.573 in the monitor console.

- In System Settings > Servers set the monitor priority to Normal and restart the monitor. If this is remote server you will need to reconfigure it with a new Monitor.config after doing this.
By default the monitor runs on low priority. This can slow it down if you have lots of game servers and other stuff running.

- If you use a mysql database download MySQL GUI Tools from Run MySQL Administrator. Disable name resolve in Startup Variables > Advanced Networking and restart MySQL. Enable remote DB connections in System Settings and reconfigure all remote servers with a new Monitor.config.
Sometimes MySQL connections are slow when connection from other servers. disabling name resolve fixes this problem.

- Some FTP clients use passive mode by default and fallback to port mode. This can make it slow since it has to wait for passive mode to fail before using port mode. If you have a Firewall you need to open tcp ports 5000 to 5100 to allow passive mode. If you are using Windows Firewall add MonitorConsole.exe and MonitorService.exe to the exceptions so you don't have to open all the ports. If you don't want to do this you can open all ports with this command:
FOR /L %I IN (5000,1,5100) DO netsh firewall add portopening TCP %I "FTP passive mode"%I
To close the ports use this command:
FOR /L %I IN (5000,1,5100) DO netsh firewall delete portopening TCP %I

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