Running game servers as a different user

To increase security on your server it is recommended to run the game servers as a guest user. You can configure TCAdmin to do this using the following method.

Create a text file named User.config in the path C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services with these contents:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<add key="Service.WindowsAccount" value="youruser" />
<add key="Service.Password" value="yourpassword" />

Replace youruser and yourpassword with the user information. New services will be configured to run as a new user. For existing services you need to go to the service settings and click on Save to update them.

  • When you use these features interact with desktop does not work.
  • If you configure these features make sure that the user has permissions to READ, WRITE and MODIFY on C:\Program Files\TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services and FULL CONTROL on c:\UserFiles.
  • Deny all permissions to the user that you created on the Web and Logs folder.
  • Deny all permissions to the user that you created on all *.config and *.exe files in the TCAdmin and Monitor folder.
  • Deny all permissions to the user that you created on TCAdmin Control Panel\Monitor\Services\User.config.
  • If you have a Microsoft Access database deny all permissions to the user that you created on your database file.
  • If you have a MySQL database deny all permissions to the user that you created on MySQL data folder.
  • Some games might need additional permissions to run correctly as guest. You can find access denied errors in files and registry with Process Explorer.

*** This change will be applied to new game servers. Existing game servers need to be updated manually by going to Start > Administrative Tools > Services. Look for the game server's service and double click. On the logon tab enter the user and password that you created and restart the service. ***

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